If you find yourself wondering if your hair loss is normal - some amount of hair loss is normal - or a case of alopecia areata, you should consult with your physician. Specific causes of alopecia are unknown, but there is some tendency for it to be inherited. About twenty percent or so of patients have a family history of the hair loss. Of course, that means that eighty percent do not have a family history, so genetics is not the only concern.
If alopecia areata causes you concern, you should talk to your doctor. Most likely, he or she will order some tests and perhaps a skin biopsy. He or she will also likely treat it with topical corticosteroids, subcutaneous injections of steroids, and ultraviolet lights. You may also consider some other treatments such as biotin supplements and a change in dietary habits that includes healthier foods.
Although no one particular, exact, specific cure exists, alopecia areata
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